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Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours (admin / 579)
By ANDY PASZTOR U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details, raising the possibility that the plane could have flown on for hundreds of additional miles under conditions that remain murky. Aviatio...
China expresses concern over aviation safety after DPRK rocket (admin / 465)
China on Thursday said it attaches great importance to the safety of civil aviation and "relevant country" should follow international practice to ensure the security of civilian facilities in airspace and maritime space. A foreign ministry spokesman made the remarks in response to reports that neighboring Democratic People's Republic of Korea (...
FAA seeks new safety measures for Boeing 737 planes: report (admin / 377)
(Reuters) - U.S. aviation regulators on Monday plan to propose improving cockpit automation to help prevent pilot errors that have caused fatal airline crashes, according to a media report. The Federal Aviation Administration wants cockpit automation fixes in nearly 500 Boeing Co (BA.N) 737 planes to ensure pilots have adequate safeguards if airspeed fall...
NTSB Issues New Alerts for Aircraft Maintenance, Aircraft Simulators (admin / 406)
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued two new safety alerts at Heli-Expo 2014 covering maintenance procedures (SA-032) and simulator training (SA-031). Citing several recent maintenance-related accidents, the NTSB called on mechanics to get proper training, use work cards to document all completed maintenance steps, get independent inspec...
Investigators eye pilot fatigue as possible factor in predawn crash of UPS cargo jet (admin / 622)
By JOAN LOWY, Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal investigators are looking at pilot fatigue, among other issues, as a possible factor in the fatal pre-dawn crash of a UPS cargo jet in Alabama last August. The National Transportation Safety Board scheduled a hearing for Thursday on the accident, which killed both pilots. The pilots' work shift ...
Singapore's $300-Million Air-Traffic Automation System Unveiled (admin / 585)
As the plane carrying your correspondent from Hong Kong to Singapore started its descent to the Changi airport, the world's fifth busiest, it started flying circles. Shortly afterwards, the captain explained that multiple aircrafts were on holding pattern and the queue was changing quickly. That, I was assured, had nothing to do with the official launch ...
More Training Needed as Air Travel Grows in Asia, Says U.N. Official (admin / 517)
An Air India passenger jet takes off from Ahmedabad, India, last year. U.S. authorities last month downgraded India's aviation-safety rating. Training and capacity-building will be key for many countries' aviation sectors amid the rapid growth of air traffic in the Asian-Pacific region in coming years, a United Nations aviation official said. "We ...
Safety Comes First in Aircraft Manufacturing (admin / 506)
By CHRISTINE NEGRONI SAN FRANCISCO - When Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crashed on landing at San Francisco International Airport on July 6 last year, the first person to call for an immediate evacuation of the Boeing 777 was a flight attendant, Tae Sik Yoo. Mr. Yoo described seeing smoke and fire through the window. When the captain's first instruction w...
Pilot shortage may mean higher prices for flyers (admin / 493)
The pilot shortage could make many already frustrated flyers even angrier by leading to price hikes and entirely new hassles. Due to a "quintuple storm of factors," there's currently a shortage of pilots willing and/or able to work in the U.S., says George Hobica, the founder of AirfareWatchDog.com . Part of the reason for this shortage is that ...
5 years after N.Y. crash, some airline safety progress (admin / 505)
WASHINGTON - Lessons learned from the tragic crash of a commuter airline flight near Buffalo, N.Y., five years ago have produced several significant improvements to commercial airline safety. But Deborah Hersman, who chairs the National Transportation Safety Board, says the Federal Aviation Administration and airline industry still have more work to do im...
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