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New safety recommendations after Dublin flight incident (admin / 326)
 The incident involved a United Airlines flight Several safety recommendations have been issued following an incident on board a flight from the US to Dublin when 15 passengers and crew were injured. The Air Accident Investigation Unit ...
Carbon-offset deal would cost airlines $6.2 billion in 2025: IATA (admin / 321)
 A global market-based measure to curb aviation emissions would cost the airline industry up to $6.2 billion in the year 2025, but carriers could face higher charges if governments fail to reach a deal by October, the International Air Transport Association...
The Only Solution to TSA's Problems: Get Rid of It (admin / 355)
 Long delays at Transportation Security Administration checkpoints at major airports nationwide have been causing passengers to miss flights. The situation will likely get worse during summer, experts predict.   JFK, according to Fox News Travel, has...
Flight crew punished after failed landing (admin / 314)
 China's civil aviation authority revoked the licenses of two captains and suspended an assistant captain with China Eastern Airlines' Sichuan branch, after a landing accident that nearly caused a plane crash, officials said yesterday.   Flights on t...
EVA Air's Danny Ho Elected to FSF Board of Governors (admin / 395)
  ALEXANDRIA, Virginia - Flight Safety Foundation today announced that Danny C. Ho, chief executive vice president at EVA Air, has been elected to the Foundation's Board of Governors. Ho, a ...
Delta jet aborts takeoff as plane crosses runway (admin / 322)
 Two Delta flights avoid crossing paths at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Aircraft were separated by a little more than a mile when the takeoff was aborted (CNN)The Federal Aviation Administration is investiga...
Big dent seen in jetliner's nose during emergency landing (admin / 321)
    Dent almost two-feet wide is seen in nose of American Airlines jetliner that was forced to head back to the Seattle-Tacoma airport after a bird strike on April 27, 2016 KIRO-TV SEATTLE --Officials say an American ...
Opinion: Safety Is A Hard Sell. Here's Why (admin / 337)
 by Ashley Nunes It is called the airline industry's number top priority, an absolute necessity that cannot be compromised. It is hyped as being at the heart of the air travel enterprise, a consideration so crucial that it outweighs all others. ...
Anchorage-Bound Cargo Jet Lands Safely After Bird Strike Damages Wing (admin / 298)
    Nippon Cargo Airlines 747 touching down April 23--A jet headed for Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport was damaged in a bird strike this week, and a biologist is calling the incident a teaching moment for Southcentral Alaska...
Germany Trails European Peers in Enforcing Air-Safety Rules, Report Says (admin / 493)
 Germany is one of Europe's worst enforcers of air safety rules, trailing only Greece in failing to comply with basic requirements to protect passengers, according to a confidential report by Europe's top aviation watchdog.   German regulators failed...
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