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馬航部分艙等 12歲以下拒載 (admin / 1567)
作者: 編譯任中原╱報導 | 聯合新聞網 – 2012年4月13日 上午3:33 馬來西亞航空公司證實,該公司從7月1日新開的A380空中巴士客機從吉隆坡到倫敦的直飛航班,樓上的經濟艙與商務艙位將不開放給12歲以下的兒童搭乘。此舉固然能讓成年的乘客耳根清靜,但也可能激怒...
韓航接炸彈威脅 美F15護送 (admin / 1271)
中央社 – 2012年4月11日 上午11:38 (中央社溫哥華10日綜合外電報導)大韓航空公司(Korean Air)1架從溫哥華飛首爾的波音777客機今天接獲炸彈威脅電話後,緊急迫降在加拿大溫哥華島1處空軍基地,美國緊急派出2架F-15戰機護送。 美聯社報導,根據大韓航空釋出聲...
Delta flight lands safely in Phoenix on one engine (admin / 1269)
PHOENIX (AP) - A Delta Air Lines flight from Atlanta to Phoenix has landed safely after one of the plane's engines shut down as it began to descend over Arizona. Delta spokesman Paul Skrbec says Flight 2046 carrying 159 passengers landed normally Saturday afternoon at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. It taxied to the gate under its own pow...
US Navy F-18 crashes in residential Virginia (admin / 1230)
The scene of the crash near Virginia Beach, Virginia (BBC)A US Navy F-18 jet has crashed shortly after take off in a residential area near Virginia Beach, Virginia. A Navy spokesman told the BBC that the plane went down just before 12:08 (16:08 GMT) and two crew members ejected safely. The plane hit an apartment building, with photos showing b...
UTAir grounds ATR 72-200s after fatal crash (admin / 1298)
Russia's UTAir is to ground its ATR 72-200 fleet at least until the conclusion of the investigation into the fatal departure crash at Tyumen. The airline says it will use its 15 ATR 72-500s to restore service on the routes operated by the -200s. UTAir chief Andrei Martirosov insists the carrier has "no doubts" about the operational safe...
Japan Airines Boeing-777 Tailstrike (admin / 1298)
Date: 31-MAR-2012 Type: Boeing 777-246ER Operator: Japan Airlines Registration: JA701J C/n / msn: 32889/410 Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 308 Other fatalities: 0 Airplane damage: Substantial Location: Tokyo Haneda International Airport - HND/RJTT - Japan Phase: Approach Nature: International Scheduled Passenger Departure...
FAA extends reprisal-free safety reporting program (admin / 1177)
The Federal Aviation Administration has expanded a project that allows controllers who make a mistake to report the incident without fear of instant reprisal. The Air Traffic Safety Action Program, or AT-SAP, is now in its third year. So far, the program has received 50,000 reports. "The advantage that we have under the AT-SAP program is t...
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世界上最長的民用機場跑道是中國的昌都邦達機場,長度為 5,500 公尺,其中的 4,200 公尺滿足 4D 標準,同時它也是海拔最高的跑道,其高度為 4,334 公尺。而世界上最寬的跑道在俄羅斯的烏里揚諾夫斯克東方港機場,有 105 公尺寬。
