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A Lufthansa Airbus A321-200, registration D-AIRW performing flight LH-2515 from Dublin (Ireland) to Munich (Germany), had been dispatched under minimum list equipment requirements with the left pack inoperative and was climbing through FL340 out of Dublin, when the right hand pack failed, too. The crew descended the aircraft to FL110 levelling off at FL110 about 15 minutes later and set course to divert to Manchester, EN (UK), subsequently changed to divert to London Heathrow,EN (UK), climbed to FL150 to London and landed safely on Heathrow's runway 09L about 85 minutes after departure from Dublin.

The aircraft remained on the ground in London for about 3 hours, then departed London climbing to a maximum of FL230 but again needed to descent to FL130 and now diverted to Brussels (Belgium) for a safe landing on runway 25L about one hour after departure from Heathrow.

Passengers are complaining they were left without information at Brussels and were waiting in a queue for being rebooked with just one staff member at the desk.


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禁飛區(No-fly zone)又稱禁航區,指的是某一地的上空,禁止任何未經特別申請許可的航空器(包括飛機、直升機、熱氣球等)飛入或飛越的空域。
