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A Spicejet Boeing 737-800, registration VT-SYZ performing flight SG-8719 from Ahmedabad to Patna (India) with 85 passengers and 6 crew, was descending towards Patna when the crew stopped the descent at 6000 feet due to problems with the flaps. The crew determined that the runway in Patna would be too short and decided to divert to Varanasi. The aircraft climbed to FL140 for the diversion and landed safely on Varanasi's runway 27 at a higher than normal speed (about 170 knots over ground).

The aircraft remained on the ground in Varanasi for about 10 hours, then continued the flight to Patna and reached the destination with a delay of about 10.5 hours.
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禁飛區(No-fly zone)又稱禁航區,指的是某一地的上空,禁止任何未經特別申請許可的航空器(包括飛機、直升機、熱氣球等)飛入或飛越的空域。
