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By Simon Hradecky, created Monday, Nov 23rd 2020 17:46Z, last updated Monday, Nov 23rd 2020 17:46Z

A China Airlines Boeing 747-400 freighter, registration B-18710 performing flight CI-5880 from Manila (Philippines) to Taipei (Taiwan), landed on Taipei's runway 05L when during roll out a loud bang occurred. The aircraft slowed without further incident. The #4 tyre (aft inboard left main tyre) was found blown. The runway was closed for about 50 minutes as result.

The airline confirmed the tyre was found punctured, according repairs have been applied to the aircraft, its return to service was also approved by Taiwan's CAA.

Taiwan's CAA reported it was found the #4 brake's anti-skid valve failed. Inspection intervals and removal intervals for the valves were shortened.

The aircraft returned to service two days later on Nov 8th 2020.

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繁體 / English

世界上最長的民用機場跑道是中國的昌都邦達機場,長度為 5,500 公尺,其中的 4,200 公尺滿足 4D 標準,同時它也是海拔最高的跑道,其高度為 4,334 公尺。而世界上最寬的跑道在俄羅斯的烏里揚諾夫斯克東方港機場,有 105 公尺寬。
