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 By David Meyer


Airport security caught a traveler attempting to board a plane at Washington’s National Airport last Friday with a switch-blade throwing knife, the TSA said.

Agents confiscated the “throwing star,” but the flyer was not cited because the Japanese-style weapon is legal in the state of Virginia, TSA rep Lisa Farbstein said.

“The traveler relinquished it to TSA officers at the checkpoint and went on their way to catch their flight,” Farbstein said in an email.

Farbstein called the throwing star a “routine prohibited item.”

The find came two days after rioters had stormed the Capitol just miles away, and there was no suggestion the weapon was related to that incident.

New York Port Authority police arrested a Florida-bound flyer in October 2019 after LaGuardia Airport security caught him with a “razor sharp throwing star” in his carry-on.

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